Released: 2017

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  1. You’ve Got a Friend in Me (Warm Up)
  2. A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes (Plié 1)
  3. Do You Want to Build a Snowman? (Plié 2)
  4. Beauty and the Beast (Slow Tendu)
  5. In Summer (Fast Tendu)
  6. The Bare Necessities (Dégagé)
  7. Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (Jeté)
  8. Ma Belle Evangeline (Rond de jambe)
  9. Healing Incantation (Rond de jambe)
  10. Be Our Guest (Frappé)
  11. A Whole New World (Fondu 1)
  12. For the First Time in Forever (Fondu 2)
  13. Circle of Life (Rond de jambe en l’air)
  14. I See the Light (Adagio)
  15. I’ve Got  a Dream (Petit Battement)
  16. Cruella De Vil (Grand Battement)
  17. Following the Leader (Grande Battement)
  18. Colors of the Wind (Stretch 1)
  19. Let It Go (Stretch 2)
  20. Friends on the Other Side (Center Tendu)
  21. Reflection (Center Adagio 1)
  22. Go the Distance (Center Adagio 2)
  23. Once Upon a Dream (Pirouettes 1)
  24. Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Pirouettes 2)
  25. When We’re Human (Changement)
  26. Under the Sea (Petit Allegro)
  27. Dig a Little Deeper (Petit Allegro)
  28. Winnie the Pooh (Grande Allegro Fast)
  29. Once Upon a Dream / A Whole New World (Medley) (Grand Allegro Slow)
  30. Almost There (Coda Fouretté)
  31. Down in New Orleans (Reverence)